[1] About the same time also,William Ra|legh bishop of Norwich. whereas William de Ralegh was requested to remooue from the see of Norwich vnto Winchester, and consenting therevn|to, without the kings licence, obteined his confirma|tion of the pope: the king was highlie displeased therewith, bicause he ment it to another. Wherevp|on when the said William Ralegh was returned from Rome to be installed,He is conse|crated bish. of Winchester by the pope. the king sent commande|ment to the maior and citizens of Winchester, that they should not suffer him to enter the citie. Where|vpon [page 232] he being so kept out, accurssed both the citie and cathedrall church with all the moonks and others that fauoured the prior, which had intruded himselfe onelie by the kings authoritie, and not by lawfull election and means, as was supposed.