[1] About the same time, to wit, on the twelfth day of Maie, Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent departed this life at his manor of Banstude, and his bodie was conueied to London, and there buried in the church of the Friers preachers, vnto the which Fri|ers he had beene verie beneficiall. Amongst other things, he gaue vnto them his goodlie palace at Westminster adioining neere to the palace of the earle of Cornewall, which the archbishop of Yorke afterwards purchased. The moonks of the Cisteaux were this yeare somewhat vexed by the king, Fabian. bicause they had refused to aid him with monie towards his iournie made into Gascoigne. Matth. Paris. Also the plées of the crowne were kept and holden in the towre of Lon|don.Stars fallen after a strange manner. And in the night of the six and twentith day of Iulie, starres were séene fall from the skie after a maruellous sort, not after the common manner, but thirtie or fortie at once, so fast one after another and glansing to and fro, that if there had fallen so manie verie starres in deed, there would none haue béene left in the firmament.