[1] In this seauen and twentith yeare of king Hen|ries reigne, diuerse noble personages departed this life, and first about the beginning of Ianuarie,Death of No|ble men. de|ceassed the lord Richard de Burgh, a man of great honour and estimation in Ireland, where he held manie faire possessions, by conquest of that noble gentleman his worthie father. Also that valiant war|riour Hugh Lacie, who had conquered in his time a great part of Ireland.Hugh Lacie. Also the same yere on the sea|uenth of Maie, Hugh de Albenie earle of Arundell departed this life, in the middest of his youthfull yeares, and was buried in the priorie of Wimund|ham, which his ancestours had founded. After his deceasse, that noble heritage was diuided by partiti|on amongst foure sisters.