[1] [2] [3] In the meane time the lords de Pons, Mirabeau and Mortaigne suddenlie reuolted, & submitted them|selues to the French king, with the vicount of To|wars, and all other the lords and knights of Poictou, and the marches therabouts, that not long before had procured king Henrie to come ouer to their aid. The citie of Xainctes was likewise rendred to him imme|diatlie vpon king Henries departure from thence. At which season the French king meant to haue fol|lowed him to Blaie, but by reason of a great death which chanced in his armie, he was constreined to al|ter his purpose. Suerlie, as authors haue recorded, what through pestilence and vnwholesomnesse of the aire,Death in the French camp. a great manie of Frenchmen died at that time, and dailie more fell sicke. The number of them that died (as Matth. Paris, & Matth. Westminster affirme) amounted to twentie thousand persons, beside foure|score of the Nobilitie that bare banners [...]pe [...]o [...]s. King lowes himselfe also began to war [...] diseased and [...],Truce [...] betwixt the two kings. Polydor. The queen [...] England de|liuered of a daughter. so that he was const [...]ei [...]s to [...] the truce with king Henrie, departed therewith home.