[1] [2] After this incounter, by reason the French armie increased by new bands still resorting to their king, the earle of March secretlie sought meanes to be re|conciled vnto him:The earle of March is re|conciled to the French king. and finallie by the helpe of the duke of Britaine, his old acquaintance and fréend at néed, his peace was purchased, so that he had his lands againe to him restored, except certeine castels, which for further assurance the French king reteined in his hands by the space of thrée yeares. The king of England, perceiuing himselfe too too much deceiued in that he had put such confidence in the earle of March and others of that countrie, which should haue aided him at this present, and againe aduertised, that the French king meant to besiege him within the ci|tie of Xainctes, departed with all spéed from thence, and came to Blaie, a towne in Gascoigne, situat néere to the riuer of Garon, & distant seuen leagues from Burdeaux.