[1] [2] The high prowesse and valiancie of the earles of Leicester, Salisburie, Norfolke, with other Noble [page 230] men, as Iohn de Burgh, Warren de Mount Che|nill or Cheincie, Hubert Fitz Matthew, [...] Fitz Nicholas did in this [...] right well [...]ppear [...]: and likewise other of the English nation bare them|selues so manfullie, that they deserued no small com|mendation.Iohn Man|sell. Amongst other also sir Iohn Mansell the king [...] [...]apleine, and one of his priuie cou [...]cell did right worthilie, taking prisoner with his owne hands one Peter Orige a gentleman in good place. There was moreouer taken on the French pace sir Iohn de Barris a man of good accompt, by William de Sey,Sir Iohn Barris. Wil. de Sey. Gilbert de Clare slaine. beside sundrie others. On the English part was slaine Gilbert de Clare, and Henrie Hasting taken prisoner, with other, to the number of twentie knights, or men of armes, if I may so call them.