[1] When this prouision was once readie, about the middest of Maie, the king tooke the sea, togither with the queene his wife, his brother Richard earle of Cornewall, and seauen other earles, and about three hundred knights or men of armes. The Poictouins had written to him that he néeded not bring ouer with him any great armie of men, but rather plen|tie of monie to reteine such as he should find there readie to serue him at his comming.Thirtie bar|rels of En|glish coine. The king passeth ouer into France. Wherevpon he tooke with him thirtie barrels of sterling coine: and at length (but not without contrarie winds) he arri|ued on the coast of Gascoine, in the mouth of the ri|uer of Garon, and taking land, was ioifullie recei|ued of the people, and namelie of Reignold lord of Pons.