[2] Howbeit, the king so
handled the matter with the richer sort, and namelie those of the
spiritualtie, that partlie by gift and partlie by borrowing, he got togither
a great masse of treasure, and so prepared an armie and ships to passe ouer
into Gascoine with all conuenient speed. In the meane time, bicause he would
leaue things in more suertie at home,The bishops of
Durham sent into Scotland. he sent the bishop of Durham into
Scotland, by whose dili|gence a marriage was concluded betwixt the lord
Alexander eldest sonne to the king of Scots, and the ladie Margaret daughter
to king Henrie.
The king of Scots war|den of the En+glish mar|shes. The archbi|shop of Yorke gouernor of the realme.