[1] King Henrie being sollicited with letters, not one|lie from his father in law, but also from diuerse other noble men of Poictou, who willinglie would haue beene vnder his gouernement,Sundrie opi|nions in the kings coun|cellers. asked aduise of his councell what he ought to doo in the matter. Some were of opinion, that sith there had béene a truce ta|ken betwixt the kings, it were not reason in anie wise to breake the same: but some other thought, that sith the Frenchmen in times past had taken from king Iohn his lawfull heritage in Normandie and Poictou, and wrongfullie deteined the same still in their possession without restitution, it could not be at anie time vnlawfull vpon occasion giuen to reco|uer the same out of their hands. This opinion was allowed for good, and the best that might be both of the king & also of the earle of Cornewall, who was latelie returned from his iournie which he had made into the holie land.