[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, there died this yeare Roger bishop of London, and Hugh bishop of Chester. Also Gilbert Marshall earle of Penbroke, in a torneie which he had attempted at Hereford against the kings li|cence, was by an vnrulie horsse cast, and so hurt, that immediatlie he died thereof. Neither was this yeare onelie mournefull to England for the losse of such [page 229] high estates, but also in other places manie notable personages departed out of this transitorie life. As two popes, Gregorie the ninth and his successour Ce|lestine the fourth, besides cardinals: amongst the which Robert Somercotean English man was one.Cardinall Somercotean Englishman. ¶About the later end of this 25 yeare, the sixt daie of October, there appeared a right sore eclipse of the sunne, verie strange to the beholders. ¶ In the 26 yeare died the empresse Isabell,An eclipse. wife vnto Frederike the emperour.