[1] This yeare manie noble men ended their liues, as well such as were gone with the earles of Corne|wall and Leicester into the holie land,Death of [...]ble men. and others re|maining still at home. Amongst which number were these: William Fortz earle of Albemarle, Walter Lacie, one of the chiefest nobles in all Ireland,Lacie l [...]ft [...] issue ma [...]e be|hind him, so yt his daugh|ters inherit [...] his lands. Ste|phan de Segraue, Gilbert de Basset and his sonne and heire named also Gilbert. Moreouer, Iohn Bi|set high iustice of the forrests, and Peter de Mallow, Hugh Wake, Robert Marmion, Peter de Bruis, Guischarde Laidec, Eustace Stoutuill, Eudo Ha|mon surnamed Peccham, Baldwin de Betun, Iohn Fitz Iohn steward in household to earle Richard, Iohn de Beauli [...], Gerard de Furniuall. There di|ed also the ladie Elianor the countesse of Britaine, wife vnto Geffrey, that was sometime earle of Bri|taine (which countesse had béene long kept prisoner at Bristow) with diuerse other.