[1] [2] Moreouer, this couenant Dauid required at the kings hands, that the king should reserue him so to his peace vnder the bond of fidelitie and hostages, that he should not disherit him: which when as the king courteouslie granted, Dauid sent vnto him his brother Griffin, to dispose of him as he should thinke requisite. The king receiuing him, sent him to Lon|don, vnder the conduct of sir Iohn de Lexinton, togi|ther with other mo (whome he had receiued as hosta|ges both of Dauid and others the Nobles of Wales) appointing them to be kept in safetie within the tow|er there.Dauid deliue|reth his bro|ther to the K. There was also a charter or déed made by the same Dauid vnto king Henrie, conteining the articles, couenants, and grants made betwixt the said prince and the foresaid Dauid, as followeth.