[1] [2] About the same time that the earle of Cornewall was in his returne foorth of the holie land, new wars suddenlie arose in Wales, which happened well for king Henrie. There were diuerse of the Welshmen that could not well like of the gouernement of Da|uid, and therefore sore lamenting the captiuitie of his brother Griffin, whom before (as ye haue heard) he had by a traine taken and kept still as prisoner, be|gan to make warre vpon the said Dauid, and those that tooke his part, the which on the other side sought to oppresse their aduersaries,Warres be|twéene the Welshmen. so that there insued much bloudshed and slaughter betwéene the parties. The wife also of the said Griffin, and such other noble men as were become enimies vnto Dauid, sent and writ vnto king Henrie, requiring his aid, that Grif|fin might be deliuered out of his brothers hands, pro|mising him great helpe and furtherance, with large conditions of submission, and assurance furthermore to be at his commandement, and to receiue him for their true and souereigne lord.