[1] [2] The earle of Cornewall returning out of the holie land in safetie, after he had settled things there, by concluding an abstinence of warre betwixt the Sa|racens and christians about the octaues of S. Iohn Baptist, he arriued in Sicill, and hearing there in what place the emperour as then soiourned, he repai|red vnto him, of whom and of his sister the empresse he was most ioifullie receiued. Within a few daies after, he went to the court of Rome,The earle of Cornewall [...] intercessor, [...] a peace to be had betwixt the pope and the emperourī€­ to trie if he might driue some agreement betwixt the emperour and the pope, but finding the pope too hard, and no|thing conformable, except he might haue had all his owne will (which was, that the emperour should haue submitted himselfe to the popes pleasure, and stand vnto what soeuer order the church should ap|point) he returned backe to the emperour without concluding any thing with the pope, declaring vnto him as he had found. After this he remained two moneths with the emperour, & then taking his leaue was honoured with great gifts at his departure, and so returning towards England, at length arriued at the towne of Douer on the morrow after the feast of the Epiphanie in the yeare following.He returneth into Eng|land.