[1] [2] Anno Reg. 25. 1241In the 25 yeare of his reigne, king Henrie kept his Christmasse at Westminster, at which time the legat was sent for to returne vnto Rome, and after he had beene honorablie feasted of the king, on the 4 daie of Christmasse he departed from London to|wards the sea side, after he had remained here aboue three yeares. Peter of Sauoie that was vncle to the quéene came into England, and was honorablie re|ceiued and interteined of king Henrie, who had gi|uen to him the earledome of Richmont. His sonne Boniface was this yeare also elected archbishop of Canturburie,Boniface de Sauoie elec|ted archb. of Canturburie. Matth. Paris. a tall gentleman and of a goodlie per|sonage, but neither so learned nor otherwise meet for that roome. But such was the kings pleasure, who in fauour of the quéene, to whom he was coosen ger|mane sought to aduance him, and getting the popes fauour in that behalfe, procured the monks & bishops to grant their consents, although much against their minds, if they might haue had their owne wils.