[1] [2] [3] This yeare the king caused the citizens of London, and the gardians of the cinque ports,An oth re|ceiued. and manie o|ther to receiue an oth to be true and faithfull to his sonne prince Edward. The friers preachers and mi|nors, and other men of the church that were diuines, absolued such as had taken on them the crosse, recei|uing of them so much monie as would suffice to haue borne their charges in that iournie, and this not without slander redounding to the church. The same meanes to get monie was practised also by the legat Otho, hauing authoritie therto of the pope. The same yeare the seneshall of Aquitaine came ouer to the king,The sene|shall of Aqui|taine. and let him know, that if timelie prouision were not had, all those countries on the further side of the sea wold be lost. No other incident chanced the same yeare neither in warre abroad, nor in the state of gouernement of the common-wealth at home, whereof any great accompt is to be made, but that the legat Otho got great summes of monie di|uerse waies, of religious men to the popes behoofe: wherevpon certeine abbats made complaints to the king, but in place of comfort they receiued discom|fort, & after knowledge thereof giuen to the legat, he was more extreame with them than he was before.