[1] [2] In this season the king sent his iustices itine|rants in circuit about the land,Iustices iti|nerants. William de Yorke, Robert Lexinton iu|stices. the which vnder pre|text of iustice punished manie persons, and so leuied great summes of monie to the kings vse. Sir Wil|liam of Yorke prouost of Beuerley was assigned to visit the south parts, and sir Robert de Lexinton the north parts. Also Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, with a nauie of ships sailed into Sy|ria, where in the warres against the Saracens, he greatlie aduanced the part of the christians.The earle of Cornewal go|eth into the holy land. There went ouer with him the earle of Salisburie Willi|am Long espee, and William Basset, Iohn Beau|champe, Geffrey de Lucie, Iohn Neuill, Geffrey Beauchampe, Peter de Breuse, and William Fur|niuall. The erle of Montford also went ouer the same time: but where the earle of Cornewall tooke the sea at Marsiles,The earle of Leice [...]ster go|eth thither also. the earle of Leicester passed through Italie, and tooke the water at Brandize, and with him went these persons of name, Thomas de Fur|niuall, with his brother Gerard de Furniuall, Hugh Wake, Almerike de S. Aumond, Wischard Le|det, Punchard de Dewin, and William de Dewin that were brethren, Gerard Pesmes, Fouke de Baugie, and Peter de Chauntenaie.The earle of Albemarle. Shortlie after also, Iohn earle of Albemarle, William Fortis, and Peter de Mallow a Poictouin, men for their vali|ancie greatlie renowmed, went thither, leading with them a great number of christian souldiors.