[1] Herevpon (in the presence and audience of the abbat of Euesham, maister Nic. de Fernham, and diuerse other worshipfull personages) the legat said vnto him being thus out of the waie;

Is not power granted to our souereigne lord the pope from aboue, both to lose and bind soules, sith he executeth the roome of S. Peter vpon earth? Now when all men looked to heare what answer he would make, belée|uing his iudgement to depend vpon the same, he said by way of interrogation, and not by way of asserti|on; How can I beléeue, that vnto a person spotted with simonie and vsurie, and haplie wrapt in more greeuous sins, such power should be granted as was granted vnto holie Peter, who immediatlie follow|ed the lord, as soone as he was made his apostle, and followed him not onelie in bodilie footsteps, but in cleerenesse of vertues. At which word the legat blu|shed, & said to some of the standers by; A man ought not to chide with a foole, nor gape ouer an ouen.