[1] ¶There was this yeare a certeine person of honest conuersation,A Charter|house moonke apprehended. and sober, representing in habit one of the Carthusian moonks, taken at Cambridge, be|ing accused for that he refused to come to the church to heare diuine seruice, and vpon his examination, bicause he answered otherwise than was thought conuenient, he was committed to secret prison, and shortlie after sent vp to the legat to be of him exami|ned. This man openlie protested, that Gregorie was not the true pope, nor head of the church, but that there was another head of the church, and that the church was defiled, so that no seruice ought to be said therein, except the same were newlie dedicated, and the vessels and vestments againe hallowed and con|secrated; The diuell (said he) is losed, & the pope is an heretike, for Gregorie, which nameth himselfe pope, hath polluted the church.