[1] There be that write how that there were other oc|casions of the archbishops departure out of the relme of the which this should be one; Polydor. The causes that mooued archbishop Edmund to depart the realme. when he saw religion not to be regarded, and that préests were had in no honor, neither that it laie in his power to reforme the matter, sith the king gaue no eare to his admoni|tions, he determined to absent himselfe till the king (warned by some mishap) should repent him of his errours, and amend his misdooings. Other ioine an other cause herevnto, which was this; whereas the king by the insample of other kings (begun by Wil|liam Rufus) vsed to keépe bishops sees, and other such spirituall possessions in his hands, during the vacati|on, till a conuenient person were to the same prefer|red, Matth. West. Matth. Paris. Polydor. the archbishop Edmund, for that he saw long de|laies made oftentimes yer any could be admitted to the roome of those that were deceassed, or by any other means depriued, he was in hand with the king, that the archbishop of Canturburie might haue power onlie to prouide for successors in such roomes as chan|ced to be vacant, aboue the tearme of six moneths, which thing the king for a certeine summe of monie granted: but afterward perceiuing what hinderance he susteined thereby, he reuoked that grant, so much to the displeasure of the archbishop, that he thought good no longer to continue in the realme.