[1] About the same time, there was great strife and contention still remaining betwixt the emperour Frederike and pope Innocent the fourth that succée|ded Celestine the fourth, in somuch that sore and mor|tall warre followed. But king Henrie by the pro|curement of the legat Otho,King Henrie aided the pope with monie a|gainst the [...]perour. aided the pope with mo|nie, though he was somewhat loth to doo it, bicause the said emperour had married his sister. Indéed, the emperour wrote to the king to staie his hand, but the diligence of that legat was such in furthering his masters businesse, that the monie was gone ouer yer the emperours letters came. At this time also, Ed|mund the archbishop of Canturburie greatlie dis|alowed the often exactions and subsidies which the le|gat caused dailie to be le [...]ied of the English clergie. Howbeit, in hope to haue his purpose the rather a|gainst the moonks of Canturburie, with whom he was at variance, he first granted to the legats re|quest made on the popes behalfe in a synod holden at Reading, for the hauing of the fift part of spirituall mens reuenues, and so by his example others were inforced to doo the like.