[1] In the 24 yeare of his reigne, king Henrie held his Christmasse at Winchester, Anno Reg. 24. 1240 where he made Bald|wine de Riuers knight, and inuested him with the right of the earledome of the Ile of Wight, Matth. Paris. Matth. West. Baldwin de Riuers earle of the Ile of Wight. in the presence of the earle of Cornewall, who procured him this honour, bicause he had the wardship of him, and married him to his daughter in law the ladie Ami|cia, that was daughter to his wife the countesse of Glocester by hir former husband. The earle of Leice|ster also, meaning to go into the holie land, returned out of France, where he had remained a certeine time as an exile, but was now receiued honorablie of the king and other péeres of the realme, and after that he had séene the king and doone his dutie as ap|perteined, he went to his possessions to make monie for his furniture necessarie to be had in that iournie, for the which he sold at that time his woods about Lei|cester,The woods about Leice|ster féeld. vnto the knights of the Hospitall, and to the canons of Leicester, receiuing of them for the same about the summe of a thousand pounds.