[1] Moreouer, the Iewes in this yeare, for a murther which they had secretlie committed, were gréeuouslie punished,The Iewes punished by the pursse. namelie by the pursse to buy their peace, & they were glad to giue the king the third part of all their goods. The legat also assembled a synod of the clergie at London vpon the last of Iulie,A synod hol|den at Lon|don. in the which he demanded procuracies, but the bishops vpon deli|beration had in the matter, answered, that the im|portunatnes of the Romane church had so often con|sumed the goods of the English church, that they could no longer suffer it, and therefore said they;
Let them giue you procuracies which vnaduisedlie haue called you into the realme, if they will, for of vs you shall be sure to come by none at all, howbeit he got his de|mand of the abbats and other religious men.