[1] [2] To conclude, through threatning of excommuni|cation to be pronounced against the king, and other for this fact by the legat and the bishops of the realme as namelie, Canturburie and London, the king was compelled to release and set at libertie the fore|said Ranulfe. Finallie, the prisoner that had accused the said Ranulfe and other, being one of the kings purseuants, when for his wicked dooings he came to suffer death, openlie confessed, how he had accused those persons, onelie in hope to deferre his owne exe|cution, [page 224] being conuicted as accessarie to the treason of the clearke that suffered at Couentrie the last yeare. He had accused not onelie the said Briton, but diuers of the nobilitie also to be priuie and giltie of the same conspiracie. ¶ This yeare for the space of foure mo|neths togither,Great raine. fell excéeding great raine, yet at length it began to hold vp about Easter.