[1] Simon the earle of Leicester also perceiuing how the matter went, made shift another waie to get all the monie he could in prest or otherwise (in somuch that he had of one burges of Leicester,The earle of Leicester ga|thereth [...]. named Si|mon Curleuath, fiue hundred markes) and leauing his wife in the castell of Kelingworth, he secretlie de|parted out of the realme, and got him to Rome,He goeth to Rome to get [...] dispensation or rather con|firmation of his marriage to purchase a confirmation of his marriage, which he ea|silie obteined, notwithstanding the archbishop of Canturburies former and verie vehement informa|tion against him, and so hauing brought his purpose about, in the latter end of this yéere, he returned into England, and was ioifullie receiued, first of the king and after of his wife, whome he found at Keling|worth, néere to the time of hir trauell, and shortlie af|ter deliuered of a yoong sonne, whom they called Si|mon after the name of his father.