[1] [2] [3] The earle comming thither, tooke thirtie scholers, with one master Odo a lawier, and brought them to Wallingford castell, and there committed them to prison. The legat also in reuenge of the iniurie in this wise to him doone,The legat cursseth. pronounced the cursse against the misdooers, and handled the matter in such wise, that the regents and masters of the Uniuersitie were at length constreined to come vnto London, & there to go bare-footed through Cheapeside, vnto the church of S. Paule,The regents of y^ [...] Uniuer|sitie absolued. Polydor. in such wise to aske him forgiuenesse, and so with much adoo they obteined absolution. This legat among other things demanded soone after the tenth part of all spirituall mens yearelie reuenues, towards the maintenance of the wars against the Saracens in Asia.