[1] Herevpon againe noise and tumult rose round a|bout the house, the legat for feare got him into the belfraie of the abbeie, where he kept himselfe close till the darke of the night had staied the vprore, and then stale foorth, and taking his horsse escaped as secretlie as he could ouer the Thames, and rode with all spéed to the court, which laie not far off at Abing|ton,The legat complaineth to the king. The earle Waren sent to apprehend the offendors. and there made his complaint to the king, in such lamentable wise, that he foorthwith sent the earle Waren with a power of armed men, to fetch awaie the residue of the legats seruants which remained be|hind in the abbeie, and to apprehend the chiefe offen|dors.