[1] It fortuned in this hurlie burlie, that a poore Irish scholer being got in néere to the kitchin dresser, be|sought the cooke for Gods sake to giue him some re|liefe: but the cooke (as manie of that calling are chole|rike fellowes) in a great furie tooke vp a ladle full of hot broath out of a kettell wherein flesh had béene sod|den,A cookes almes. and threw it right vpon the Irishmans face, which thing when another Welsh scholer that stood by beheld, he cried out; What meane we to suffer this villanie, and therewithall tooke an arrow, and set it in his bow, which he had caught vp in his hand at the beginning of the fraie, and drawing it vp to the head let flie at the cooke,The legats cooke slaine. and so slue him there outright.