[1] Anno Reg. 22. The legat holdeth a sy|nod at Lon|don.After that the legat had thus agréed the noblemen, he assembled a synod at London, the morrow after the octaues of S. Martin, wherein manie ordinances were newlie constituted for the state of the cleargie, but not altogither verie acceptable to diuerse yoong préests and scholers (as some write) in somuch that the legat afterwards comming to Oxford, and lodging in the abbie of Osnie,The legat co [...]meth to Oxford. it chanced as certeine scholers pressed to the gates thinking to come in and doo their dutie (as they tooke the matter) vnto the legat, the porter kept them backe, and gaue them ouerthwart words, wherevpon they rushed in vpon him, & so be|gan a fraie betwixt them and the legats men, who would haue beaten them backe.A fraie be|twixt the le|gats men, and the scholers of Oxford.