[1] The same yeare that Iohn Scot died,Cardinall Otho or O|thobon. cardinall Otho (by some writers named Othobon) about the feast of S. Peter and Paule came into England from pope Gregorie. He was receiued with all ho|nour and solemne reuerence as was decent, yea and more than was decent, the king meeting him at the sea side. His comming was not signified afore to the nobles of the realme, which caused them to mislike the matter, and to grudge against the king, seeing that he did all things contrarie to order, breaking law, faith, and promise in all things.The lords grudge at the king for recei|uing the car|dinall without their know|ledge. He hath coupled himselfe (said they) in mariage with a stranger, with|out consent of his freends and naturall subiects, and now he bringeth in a legat secretlie, who will take vpon him to make an alteration in the whole state of the realme.