[1] [2] Anno Reg. 21.¶ In the beginning of the 21 yeare of king Henries reigne, on the morrow after the feast of S. Martine, and certeine daies after, the sea burst out with such high tides and tempests of wind,High tides. Matth. Paris. that the marrish countries néere to the same were drowned vp and o|uerflowen: and beside great heards and flocks of cattell that perished, there was no small number of men lost and drowned. The sea rose continuallie in flowing the space of two daies and one night, with|out ebbing, by reason of the mightie violence of con|trarie winds.Wisbech peo|ple perishing by rage of waters. At Wisbech also, and in villages there|abouts, the people were drowned in great numbers, so that in one village there were buried an hundred corpses in one daie. Also the daie before Christmasse éeue, there chanced a great wind, with thunder and raine, in such extreame wise, that manie buildings were shaken and ouerthrowen.