Snippet: 160 of 539 (1587, Volume 6, p. 219)
[3] The earle of Leicester
held the bason when they washed. The earle of Warren, in the place of the
erle of Arundell, bicause he was vnder age, attended on the kings cup. M.
Michaell Bellet was Butler by office. The earle of Hereford exercised the
roome of high Marshall in the kings house. The lord William de Beauchampe
was almoner.
The earle of Hereford.
Lord William Beauchampe The citizens of London.
The citizens of Winchester.
The cheefe iustice of the forrests on the right hand of the king
remoo|ued the dishes on the table, though at the first he was staied by some
allegation made to the contrarie. The citizens of London serued out wine to
euerie one in great plentie. The citizens of Winchester had ouersight of the
kitchin and larderie. And so euerie person (according to his dutie)
exercised his roome: and bicause no trouble should arise, manie things were
suffered, which vpon further aduise taken therin were reformed. The
chancellor and all other ordinarie of|ficers [page 220] kept their
place. The feast was plentifull, so that nothing wanted that could be
wished. Moreo|uer, in Tuthill field roiall iustes were holden by the space
of eight daies togither. And soone after the king called a parlement at
London,A parlement at London. Polydor.
where manie things were enacted for the good gouernment of the
realme, and therewith the king demanded a subsidie.