[1] The citizens of London
were there in great ar|raie, bearing afore hir in solemne wise, thrée
hundred and thréescore cups of gold and siluer, in token that they ought to
wait vpon hir cup. The archbishop of Canturburie (according to his dutie)
crowned hir, the bishop of London assisting him as his deacon. The earle of
Chester bare the sword of saint Edward before the king,The earle of Chester. in token that he was earle of the palace,
and had authoritie to correct the king, if he should see him to swarue from
the limits of iustice, his constable of Chester attended vpon him,The consta|ble of Chester. The earle of Penbroke. and
re|mooued where the presse was thicke, with his rod or warder. The earle of
Penbroke high Marshall bare the rod before the king, and made roome before
him, both in the church and in the hall, placing euerie man, and ordering
the seruice at the table. The wardens of the cinque ports bare a canopie
ouer the king,
The wardẽs of the cinque ports. The earle of Leicester. Erle Warren.