[1] [2] Anno Reg. 19. 1235These things being thus brought to passe, and all troubles quieted, the king as then being at London, there was brought before him by one Tolie, Polydor. Fabian. a com|plaint exhibited against the Sée the like in pag. 56. col. 1. Iewes of Norwich, which had stolen a yoong child, being not past a twelue moneths old, and secretlie kept him an whole yeare togither, to the end that he might (when Ester came) crucifie him in despite of our sauiour Iesus Christ, and the christian religion. The matter as it happened fell out well for the lad: for within a few daies before that those curssed murtherers purposed to haue shed this innocents bloud, they were accused, conuicted and punished, whereby he escaped their cruell hands. About the same time, Matth. Paris. to wit the seauenth of Februa|rie died Hugh de Wels bishop of Lincolne, a great enimie to moonks and religious men. Robert Gro|sted was then preferred to his roome, a man of great learning, and trained vp in schooles euen from his infancie.