[1] After this, the lords that had remained in Wales, by safe conduct came to the king, and through the dili|gent trauell of the archbishop of Canturburie, he re|ceiued them into fauour. Amongst them were these men of name, Polydor. Matth. Pari [...] Gilbert Marshall the brother of the foresaid Richard Marshall, Hubert earle of Kent, Gilbert Basset, and Richard Sward, be [...]ide diuerse o|ther. Unto Gilbert Marshall he deliuered his bro|thers inheritance, and vpon Whitsundaie made him knight,Gilbert Mar+shall earle of Penbroke. giuing vnto him the rod of the office of Mar|shall of his court, according to the maner, to vse and exercise as his ancesters had doone before him. And herewith the earle of Kent Gilbert Basset and Ri|chard Sward were receiued againe into the court, and admitted to be of the kings priuie councell.