[1] And though the bishop of Salisburie came thi|ther and threatened to accursse them, if they would not deliuer the earle, and restore him to sanctuarie a|gaine: they made answer, that they had rather the earle should hang for himselfe, than they for him. And so bicause they would not deliuer him, the bishop did excommunicate them, and after riding to the court, and taking with him the bishop of London, and other bishops, preuailed so much by complaint exhibited to the K. that the earle was restored to the church againe the eighteenth day of October:He is restored to sanctuarie. but so, as the shiriffe of the shire had commandement to compasse the church about with men, to watch that no releefe came vnto him, whereby he might be constreined through famishing to submit himselfe. Notwithstan|ding, Anno Reg. 18. The earle of Kent rescued and conueied into Wales. shortlie after there came a power of armed men, and fetcht the said earle from thence (setting him on horssebacke in faire complet armour) and so conueied him into Wales, where he ioined with o|ther of the kings enimies, the thirtith day of Octo|ber.