[1] Moreouer in this yeare great variance and strife rose betwixt the king and his barons, for the king tooke great displeasure against all other his officers, & so much the more mistrusted them, Polydor. for that he found himselfe deceiued in the earle of Kent, to whom he had committed a further credit than to anie other, and had made him high iustice of England, onelie for the good will that he alwaies bare to him. There|fore perceiuing this,The king be|ginneth to fa|uour strangers. he was doubtfull whom he should trust, discharging the most part of those En|glishmen that bare any office about him, and in their roomes placed strangers, as Poictouins and Bri|tains, of the which there came ouer vnto him manie knights and other, to the number of 2000, which he placed in garrisons within castels of diuerse places of the land, and committed the order of all things for the most part to the bishop of Winchester,The bishop of Winchester. and to his nephue or sonne Peter de Riuales.