[1] But now to returne and speake of other dooings, which chanced about the time in which the said Ra|nulfe earle of Chester departed this life. The king in the meane while seized into his hands a great portion of the treasure which Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent had committed to the kéeping of the templers. But whereas there were that trauelled to haue had him put to death, the king in respect of the seruice which he had doone to him and to his predecessors king Ri|chard and king Iohn, granted him life, with those sands which he had either by purchase, or by gift of king Iohn,The earle of Kent kept in prison within the castell of Uées. but neuertheles he caused him to be kept in frée prison at the castell of the Uées, vnder the cu|stodie of foure knights belonging to the earles of Cornewall, Warren, Penbroke, and Ferrers, which foure earles were become suerties for him.