[1] [2] Iohn Lacie the sonne of the said Roger married Alice the daughter of Gilbert de Aquila, and after hir deceasse, he married the ladie Margaret, the daughter of Robert Quincie earle of Lincolne, of whom he begat Edmund Lacie constable of Chester, which Edmund after the deceasse of his father, mar|ried Alice the daughter of the marquesse of Saluces in Italie, which ladie was surnamed the quéene, of whom he begat Henrie Lacie earle of Lincolne, which Henrie married the ladie Margaret, daughter to William Long espee earle of Salisburie, by whom he had two sons, Edmund and Iohn, and two daugh|ters, Alice and Ioan, which Alice Thomas earle of Lancaster married, who claimed and had the same rights and priuiledges which ancientlie belonged to the said Roger Lacie, and other the constables of Chester, concerning the fines of forreners and o|thers. ¶This haue I the more willingly declared, that it may appeare in what estimation and credit the La|cies constables Chester by inheritance liued in their time, of whose high valiancie, and likewise of other of that familie, highlie commended for their noble chi|ualrie in martiall enterprises ye may read in sun|drie histories at large.