[1] Howbeit he neuer had issue by any of those his wiues,The partition of his lands. so that Iohn Scot his nephue by his sister Mawd succéeded him in the earldome of Chester, and William Dalbenie earle of Arundell, nephue to him by his sister Mabell, had the manour of Barrow, and other lands that belonged to the said Ranulfe, of the yerelie value of fiue hundred pounds. Robert Quin|cie, he that married his sister Hauise, had the earle|dome of Lincolne, and so of a baron became an earle who had issue by his wife, Margerie countesse of Lincolne, that was maried to Edmund Lacie earle [page 216] of Lincolne. William earle Ferrers and of Dar|bie, that had married Agnes, sister to the said Ra|nulfe, had the castell and manour of Chartley, togi|ther with other lands for his pourpart.