Snippet: 127 of 539 (1587, Volume 6, p. 215)
[1] At the same time also,
Hubert earle of Kent was deposed from the office of high iustice,
The earle of Kent dischar|ged of his of|fice of cheƩfe iustice.
Matth. Paris.
and Stephan Segraue appointed in his roome. The said Hubert (bicause
he refused to answer a certeine dutie which was demanded of him to the kings
vse) ran so farre into his displeasure, that he durst not abide his
sight, but for safegard of himselfe got
him to the abbeie of Merton,The earle of Kent taketh
sanctuarie. and there tooke sanctuarie. The king hear|ing of this
his demeanor, was so highlie offended withall, that he sent to the
Londoners, willing them to go thither and fetch him to his presence. The
Lon|doners, which in no wise loued him, bicause of the death of their
citizen Constantine, were verie rea|die to accomplish this commandement,
insomuch that where the maior ouernight late declared to them the effect of
the kings commission,The citizens of London their good
de|uotion to|wards the earle of Kent. there were twentie thousand of them in armor gotten forward earlie in
the morning towards Merton, in full hope now to be reuenged of him, for the
small good-will that he had borne vnto their citie heretofore.