[1] [2] The king gaue verie good eare to the bishops words,The king fol|loweth the bishop of Win|chesters coun|sell. and following his counsell, caused his recei|uers, treasurers, and other such as had medled with anie of his receipts to come to a reckoning. And vn|derstanding by the auditors appointed to take their accounts, that the most part of them had receiued much more and by other means than they had ente|red into their reckoning, he compelled them to re|store it out of hand with interest. Also he caused the magistrats to be called to a reckoning, and manie of them being conuicted of fraud, were condemned to make restitution. And among other Ranulfe Bri|ton treasurer of his chamber was put beside his of|fice, Matth. Paris. Ranulfe Bri|ton, Peter de Riuales. and fined at a thousand marks, in whose place was set Peter de Riuales, or after some copies de Oruiales, a Poictouin, nephue or rather sonne to the bishop of Winchester, by whose aduice the king tooke a more strait account of his officers, and often remoo|ued such as he iudged guiltie.