[1] The king called a parlement at Westminster, [page 215] wherein declaring what charges he had béene at di|uers waies,A subsidie demanded, and denied. he required to haue a subsidie granted him, for the releefe of his want, which was flat [...]ie denied, the Nobles and other estats excusing the po|uertie amongst all degrees of men, by manie eui|dent reasons.The bishop of Winchesters counsell giuen to the king. Herevpon the bishop of Winchester being a verie eloquent and faire-spoken man, open|lie counselled the king to fauour his people, whom he had alreadie made poore and bare with continuall tri|butes and exactions. And if it were so that he stood in such need as was alledged, that then he should take into his hands againe such possessions and things, which during the time of his yoong yeeres he had be|stowed vpon his seruants, without any good aduised consideration, for lacke of ripe iudgement and dis|cretion, and againe to take from certeine couetous persons, who now were become horsseleches and ca|terpillers in the commonwealth, all such offices as they held, and had verie much abused, causing them to yeald vp their accounts, and to vse them after the manner of sponges, so that where he had in times past made them full of moisture, he might now wring them drie, following herein the example of Uespasian. And by this means it was not to be douted but he should haue inough of his owne, with|out dooing iniurie to any man.