[1] Moreouer he sent letters to the bishop of Win|chester, and to the abbat of saint Edmundsburie, to make the like inquisition, and to accurse all those that should be found culpable within the south parts of England, as he did to the archbishop of Yorke, to the bishop of Durham, and to an Italian named Iohn a canon of Yorke, to doo the like in the north parts, so that the offendors should remaine accursed, till they came to Rome, there to fetch their absolution.Inquisition taken. Here|vpon therefore a generall inquisition was taken, as well by the king as by the bishops, and manie found guiltie, some in fact, and some in consent: amongst which number there were both bishops and chapleins to the king, with archdeacons and deanes, knights, and manie of the laitie.