[1] Anno Reg. 16. 1232 In this meane time no small grudge arose among the people, by reason that their churches were occu|pied by incumbents that were strangers, promoted by the popes and their legats, Matth. Paris. who neither instructed the people, nor could well speake anie more English than that which serued for the collection of their tithes, in somuch that for the insolencie of such imcumbents as well the Noble men and those of good reputation, as other of the meaner sort, by an vndiscréet presum|ption attempted a disorderlie redresse,An vnorder|lie & presump|tuous attempt confederating themselues togither, and taking vpon them to write and direct their letters vnto bishops and chapters, commanding them by waie of inhibition, not to séeme to interrupt those that should seize vpon the beneficed strangers, or vpon their reuenues.