[1] Matth. Paris. Whilest the king was thus occupied in Wales, there was some busines in France: for in the moneth of Iune, the French king with an armie came to in|uade the countrie of Britaine, but earle Henrie with the earle of Chester and the other English capteins found meanes to take and destroie all the cariages and wagons which came with vittels and other proui|sion to serue the French armie.H [...]nrie earle of Britaine, and the earle of Chester distresse the French kings cariages. When the French|men perceiued they could not haue their purpose, by mediation of the archbishop of Reimes, and the earle of Bollongne on the French part, and by consent of the earles of Britaine and Chester on the English part, a peace was concluded, or rather a truce to in|dure for three yeares betwixt the two kings of Eng|land and France.A truce ta|ken. This agréement was made the fift daie of Iulie, and then the earles of Britaine and Chester, with Richard Marshall, came ouer into England, and rode to the king, whom they found at Mawds castell, where he remained till the work [...] was finished, and then in the moneth of October re|turned into England.