[1] [2] This yeare the kings brother the earle of Corne|wall married the countesse of Glocester,The earle of Cornewall marrieth the countesse of Glocester. widow to the late earle Gilbert, and sister to William Mar|shall earle of Penbroke, the which erle of Penbroke shortlie after the same marriage departed this life, and was buried on the fifteenth day of Aprill,

The earle of Penbroke de|parted this life.

Polydor. Leolin prince of Wales in|uadeth the English bor|ders.

in the new temple at London, néere vnto his father. More|ouer, Leolin prince of Wales about this season enterprising to inuade the English confines, burned and wasted the countrie in most cruell wise. Whereof the king being aduertised, hasted foorth by great iour|nies, with purpose to reuenge such iniuries. But the enimies hearing of his comming (according to the custome of their countrie) withdrew into the moun|teins, bogs, and marishes. Wherefore the king (seeing that he could not haue them at his pleasure, and least he should be thought to spend time in vaine) came backe, and left behind him a small troope of souldiers to resist their attempts, if they should happen to rise vp any more.