[1] When the pope had heard this tale told, he streit disanulled the election and reques [...] of the confirmati|on of the said Ralfe Neuill, granting libertie to the moonks to chose some other which might proue a whol|some shéepheard for the soule of man, profitable to the church of England, and a faithfull sonne to the sée of Rome, and so the moonks returning home, made relation to the couent how they had sped. After this, the moonks elected the prior of their house na|med Iohn to be their archbishop, who going to Rome for his confirmation, was persuaded in the end to re|nounce his election: so that at length one Edmund that was treasurer of the colledge of Salisburie, was elected, confirmed, and consecrated, a man of great zeale, being the foure & fortith archbishop that had gouerned that sée.