Snippet: 110 of 539 (1587, Volume 6, p. 213)
[1] In the meane time king
Henrie hauing spent a great deale of treasure in his iournie made into
France, there was granted vnto him a
fiftéenth of the temporaltie,
A fifteénth and tenth granted to the king. Polydor.
Englishmen sent to Spain against the Saracens.
with a disme and a halfe of the spiri|tualtie, towards the
furnishing out of a new power of men to be sent into Spaine against the
Sara|cens, which made sore warres vpon the christians in that countrie, wherevpon king Henrie being requi|red of the
K. of Aragon to aid him with some num|ber of souldiers, he sent a great
power thither with all speed, and so likewise did the French king. By means
whereof the Spaniards, being ioined with Englishmen and Frenchmen, obteined
a noble vic|torie, in vanquishing those their enimies. Thus saith
Matth. Paris.
But other write that the king on the sea|uen and twentith of
Ianuarie, holding a parlement at Westminster
(where the Nobles both spirituall and temporall were assembled) demanded
escuage of all those that held any baronies of him,Escuage de|manded. that is to saie, forren knights fée, fortie
shillings, or thrée marks.