[1] [2] [3] [4] In the meane time the king leuied a great summe of monie of the prelats of his land towards his iour|nie into France:The king ga|thereth monie towards his iournie into France. he had also a great reléefe of the citizens of London. And the Iewes were constrei|ned to giue to him the third part of all their mouea|ble goods. In the moneth of Aprill, Matth. Paris. The Lord W. de Breuse hanged. Leolin prince of Wales caused William de Breuse, whom he had taken prisoner long before (as aboue is mentioned) to be hanged on a paire of gallowes, for that he was taken (as was reported) in adulterie with the wife of the said prince. And on the last day of Aprill, the king with a puissant armie tooke the sea at Portesmouth, and landed at saint Malos in Britaine on the third day of May,The king sai|leth ouer into France. where he was right ioifullie receiued of Henrie earle of that countrie. After he was thus ar|riued in Britaine, he entered into the French domi|nions, with the said earle, and the earle of Marsh his father in law, dooing much hurt within the same. His armie dailie increasing by the great numbers [page 212] [...] [page 213] were beaten downe on all parts, and vtterlie van|quished, with losse of 20 thousand men (as it was cre|diblie reported.) The king of Connagh was also ta|ken and committed to prison.